How do I generate a log file of the 3DxWare driver for Windows?

If you want to report an issue with your 3D software and our driver it could be helpful for our engineers if you provide a log file of the driver. This is how you get it.

    1. Stop your application.
    2. Right click to the 3Dconnexion icon in the system tray and activate the entry “Write Log File” in the popup menu.
    3. Stop the driver (Start -> All Apps-> 3Dconnexion -> Stop 3DxWare).
    4. Restart the driver (Start -> All Apps-> 3Dconnexion -> Start 3DxWare).
    5. Restart your application.
    6. Reproduce the issue you want to report.
    7. After you have reproduced the problem stop your application.
    8. Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\3Dconnexion\3DxWare and save the file 3DxService.log to another place.
    9. Contact our Technical Support Team to report your problem. Provide as detailed information as possible and send them the file 3DxService.log.
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