How do I clean up the configuration on Windows?

1. Stop the 3Dconnexion driver (Start -> All Apps -> 3Dconnexion -> Stop 3DxWare)
2. Close your 3D application.
3. Navigate to %APPDATA% (e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\)
4. Rename the folder ‘3Dconnexion’ to ‘3Dconnexion.bak’.
5. Navigate to %LOCALAPPDATA% (e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\)
6. Rename the folder ‘3Dconnexion’ to ‘3Dconnexion.bak’.

7. Restart the 3Dconnexion driver (Start -> All Apps -> 3Dconnexion -> Start 3DxWare).

If this resolves the issue your are experiencing, please share the backed-up files with your 3Dconnexion Support Representative.

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